
A Python library for interacting with the ServiceTitan API v2


Before you can use servicepytan, you need to create and authorize your API application. The following link will walk you through the setup process.

Installing ServicePytan

Recommended, create a virtual environment:

# MacOS / Linux
python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate

# Windows
python -m venv .venv

Install ServicePython from Github:

pip install servicepytan

# For the most up to date version
pip install git+

Create Configuration File

Create your servicepytan_config.json file in the root directory:

   "SERVICETITAN_CLIENT_ID": "cid.hhmdjd1jk9nqwertyr5cl6t5u5r5",
   "SERVICETITAN_CLIENT_SECRET": "cs2.yjnblmqpfiuzjyqwerty5gc28a35qabzo1qsss2l3fll5st64tgrxjxz",
   "SERVICETITAN_APP_ID": "12abc346skeg",
   "SERVICETITAN_APP_KEY": "ak1.qey12fgjhnch03lsm",
   "SERVICETITAN_TENANT_ID": "1234567890",

Starting with >=0.3.0 there are addtioanl configuration options available. See ServicePytan Configuration for more information. 1. Create a .env file in the root directory of your project. This file will be used to store your environment variables. 2. By directly inputing the credentials into the servicepytan.auth.servicepytan_connect() file, you are storing your credentials in plain text. This is not recommended. > servicepytan.auth.servicepytan_connect(app_id="", app_key="", client_id="", client_secret="", tenant_id="", timezone="")

> NOTE: Remember to exclude this file from version control. (e.g. add to your .gitignore file)

  • SERVICETITAN_CLIENT_ID - Find in Settings > Integrations > API Application Access > [App Name] > Edit

  • SERVICETITAN_CLIENT_SECRET - Generated one time with CLIENT ID

  • SERVICETITAN_APP_ID - Found in developers portal app definition

  • SERVICETITAN_APP_KEY - Found in developers portal app definition

  • SERVICETITAN_TENANT_ID - Found in developers portal app definition and integration settings

  • SERVICETITAN_TIMEZONE - (Optional) - Timezone Abbreviation like America/New_York as listed at

Making Your First Request

Return the Job object by Job ID:

import servicepytan

# API Endpoint:{tenant}/jobs
# Folder: jpm, Endpoint: jobs

# Create Connection Object. Note: This is a change from previous versions.
st_conn = servicepytan.auth.servicepytan_connect(config_file="./servicepytan_config.json")

# Create API Object
st_jobs_endpoint = servicepytan.Endpoint("jpm", "jobs", conn=st_conn)

# Return the data for a specific job in ServiceTitan
job_json = st_jobs_endpoint.get_one(138517400)

# Print the data to the console

Data will return something like:

   "id": 0,
   "jobNumber": "string",
   "customerId": 0,
   "locationId": 0,
   "jobStatus": "string",
   "completedOn": "string",
   "soldById": 0,
   "externalData": [{
      "key": "string",
      "value": "string"

Indices and tables